Ajout : Juin 2005

Ferenc Cako performances


His individual and special sand animation show is very popular all over the world.
It is usually performed in theatres, festival opening or closing ceremonies, TV-shows and at exclusive events.
Sand animation is done on a stage, where people can see Mr. Cako actually doing the performance.
He is performing in total darkness, and the picture is projected out with a high power and resolution video projector.

Some examples of his work, sand direct animation and painting.

Performances d’animation de sable en direct par Ferenc Cako : performances de dessin en direct pour événements, festival, shows… Des exemples sur son site web.

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Courts métrages d'animation, dessin noir & blanc, dessin sur sable, peinture, BD, écrits...
David Myriam, Artiste, art-engage.net